Monday, 2 February 2015

Why life is difficult?


Human ignorance

Why life is so difficult in this so called "scientific age" or "techno age?" The simple answer is global cheating. People en masse do not understand what really science and technology are and so, they are misguided by the leaders. How do you equate the following identity?

  • Leaders get richer = followers get poorer (proves cheating)
A proved natural truth in Newtonian science is—Nature seeks balance. A weighing scale helps to equate the two sides for zero-error balance for example. Now, watch the balance sheets of our leaders and you will see Newtonian unbalance like this: 
  • Asset side = rich homes (cheaters as leaders)
  • Liability side = poor homes (cheated as followers) 
It is a manmade eco-crisis that cannot be solved unless—(1) the leaders become honest or (2) we oust the leaders and take over management. That explains why the economists can do nothing; they have no role to play in the socio-economic hide and seek business.
Let us see the modus operandi of the technocratic leaders in politics, governance, corporate business, industry, education, etc. The first thing that strikes is that they occupy elementary stuffs that people en masse needs as essentials. This is not unfair by itself but then they start taking advantage of the situation to hike taxes and prices at their whim. Their eyes are targeted to people's money as shown below. 
  • Target = rich eyes (rich gets richer)
  • Market = poor pockets (poor gets poorer)
The price-rise directly translates into poverty that defines poor home economy. Thus, the global summary is global economic crisis. Where is the role of the economists? Moreover, they have no interest for people en masse but they try to seek better profits for the leaders. The picture becomes quite clear—war between Intelligentsia and Ignoramus. All  scriptures predicted this worldwide downfall of man as below.  
  • Veda = kali yuga (intellectual recession)
  • Bible = flooded earth (liquidated intellect)
  • Koran = no knowledge (defunct intellect) 
Cleverness is not intelligence! Rather, cleverness is magnified ignorance! The common man is ignorant but not a cheater! So, the right equations and solutions are found below.
  • Intelligentsia = rich ignorance (needs good education)
  • Ignoramus = poor wisdom (needs good education)

Look & listen

Do we really know what science, technology, education are? We do not, as we are either rich ignorance or poor wisdom that we just found out by systematic analysis of human behavior as cause and effect. To regain our broken thread, let us define the unknown terms as below.

  • Science = balanced cause & effect (Newtonian science)
  • Technology = technique + logic (know-how)
  • Education = precision skill in hands (cause-effect know-how)

 Let us have an example. Imagine your ambition is to become a mountaineer. By reading books you do not become a mountaineer! By downloading your textbook information in exam paper youdo not become a mountaineer! By getting university degrees you do not become a mountaineer! Only by training under a veteran mountaineer you become a fellow mountaineer. Natural truths are so easy but unknown to blind modern men of this "scientific age" or "techno age!" That surely reminds you of the worldwide blindness as predicted by all scriptures.

Unless education is precision skill, you are chasing wild geese. The amusing fact is, we focus on the mouth of our blind leaders to listen what they say. We never look at their hands to see what they can do as precision skill. An old proverb says, "Stop, look and listen." In our context the meanings are as below as natural truths.

  • Stop = attention to the hands
  • Look = hands of business
  • Listen = what the work says

Doing so, you will see that the entire mankind is devoid of precision skill. We manage life with 3R skill made of ability to read, ability to write, ability to do arithmetic and that is all we can do at the very best! Thus, our "high education" looks like as below.

  • Intelligentsia becomes cheater after high education
  • Ignoramus becomes clerk/salesman after high education 
Unskilled teachers cannot be teachers! Man with defunct hands learnt nothing and so he cannot lead others. The yogis say, "One blind cannot lead others" which is a natural truth again. The "highly educated" teachers manage education with 3R skill and that is what they pass unto the students that we discovered earlier as below. It means the teachers themselves need good education.
  • Intelligentsia = rich ignorance (needs good education)
  • Ignoramus = poor wisdom (needs good education) 
Now, the question is, who will teach the teachers? It is like the perpetual question, "Which comes firstthe egg or the hen?" No one can answer the question I posed but the answer is easy to a seer who is a natural philosopher. See my next post Natural philosophy to that end.